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Barre Body® FAQs

Learn more about Barre Body® classes and what to expect. More questions? Reach out!

What is a Barre Body® class?

Barre Body® is an exercise class using the ballet barre as a prop. The barre, in addition to other props such as light hand weights, balls, and exercise bands, are incorporated into exercises to help support the body in dynamic movement. This promotes the development of long, lean muscles like those associated with a dancer’s body, giving you that “barre body” look. Barre Body® involves the same principles as Pilates wherein you create stability in your body, strengthen and stretch your muscles, and increase your stamina through an invigorating workout targeting your upper body, abdominals, seat, and thighs.  Top


Is it safe for me?

Barre Body® is open to everyone but may not be recommended for clients with current neck or back injuries. Please contact the studio if you currently have neck or back injuries or if you have any questions. The class format includes strength sections followed by stretch sections and does not involve high impact exercises like jumping that may be hard on the joints. Top


Can I take Barre Body® classes if I am pregnant?

If you have never done a barre class but have permission from your doctor to workout please contact me to determine whether this type of class might be appropriate for you to start now. If you are currently taking a barre class or similar fitness class and have permission from your doctor, then it should be safe to continue. Please consult your instructor immediately so adaptations may be made as necessary to ensure a safe and appropriate workout for you. Top


How many students are in a Barre Body® class?

All Pivotal Pilates & Barre group classes currently have a maximum enrollment of six students. Keeping class sizes small allows the instructor to provide individualized attention to each student during their workout. Top


Who teaches Barre Body®?

Barre Body® is taught by a well-trained, experienced instructor, who has a dance background. A Barre Body® instructor is fun and encouraging and focuses on teaching the work rather than doing the class. Keeping demonstration to a minimum allows the instructor to move around the room helping students find correct placement for a safe and enjoyable workout. Top


Is dance or ballet experience required?

No dance or ballet experience is required! All are welcome to take the class. The instructor will guide you through the workout, breaking down the positions and movements so that you can perfect them and work even deeper – that’s where the real work is! Top


Is a barre class a good supplement to my Pilates workouts?

Yes. Barre Body® is complimentary to Pilates and uses the same principles and techniques, focusing on core strength, flexibility, and building a long and lean physique. There are definitely cross-training opportunities between Pilates and this barre workout! If you are a current Pilates student or fitness enthusiast looking to expand your conditioning repertoire, this class may be for you. Top


What are some of the benefits of a Barre Body® class?

-Shapes and tones muscles without adding excess bulk
-Increases cardiovascular fitness and stamina
-Challenges coordination and balance, and enhances posture
-Creates longer, leaner, and more flexible muscles
-Heightens body awareness and inspires a mind-body connection
-Provides a low impact workout and arm and leg weight work for those with early onset osteopenia

or osteoporosis
-Allows you to customize your workout level with a variety of light hand weights
-Is offered in an efficient 45-55 minute full body workout
-Serves as a great stress reliever



What should I wear to Barre Body® class?

Wear comfortable clothing that is easy to move in (like yoga or Pilates clothing) but try not to wear anything too loose–fitting; it is important that the instructor is able to check your form and alignment throughout class. Also please wear regular or “sticky” socks (socks with grips). All props, including mats, are provided. Top


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