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​What is PILATES?

Authentic Pilates is a full-body exercise system developed in the 1920s by the legendary physical trainer Joseph H. Pilates. It is not just exercise but a series of over 500 controlled movements engaging your body and mind. This conditioning method is performed on specifically designed exercise apparatus and supervised by extensively trained teachers. While it is primarily focused on your core muscles (“Power House”), you work to build strength from your center out, uniformly developing strength without building bulk while simultaneously improving flexibility, posture and body awareness. Pilates exercises can be adapted for individuals of any age and fitness level and can help prevent and alleviate common aches and back pain.

What is BARRE BODY®?

Barre Body® is a workout created by dancers for everyone! The ballet barre, in addition to other props such as light hand weights, balls, and exercise bands, are incorporated into exercises to help support the body in dynamic movement. This promotes the development of long, lean muscles like those associated with a dancer’s body, giving students that “barre body” look. Barre Body® utilizes the same principles as Pilates wherein you create stability in your body, strengthen and stretch your muscles, and increase your stamina through an invigorating workout targeting your upper body, abdominals, seat, and thighs. The movement has a natural progression allowing you to work deeper as you go - that's where the real change happens!

“Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness. Our interpretation of physical fitness is the attainment and maintenance of a uniformly developed body with a sound mind fully capable of naturally, easily, and satisfactorily performing our many and varied daily tasks with spontaneous zest and pleasure.” 
- Joseph H. Pilates.

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